Category: Life Updates
Decentralizing the Internet: The Case for Stronger IXPs in Alabama
The “Cloud”, for all the marketing lingo and buzzwords flying around about it, is actually quite simple. At it’s core, the Cloud is simply computers connected across diverse areas and networks. That’s it. There’s no incantations or magic spells holding our digital age together – though on second thought, the engineers that design and keep…
Fellowship With The Titans
A gentle fog hung over Birmingham, Alabama this morning – visible as far as the eye could see from the 20th floor of the immaculate John Hand building. Industry and commerce humming about below the club floor powered by technology our ancestors couldn’t fathom in 1912 when this building joined Birmingham’s emerging skyline. The innovations…
A Little Too Close, A Little Too Connected
I’ve been a citizen of the Internet as long as I can remember. An early adopter of Facebook and Twitter, an avid user of streaming services like Netflix and Spotify – even old school services such as Grooveshark, the OG online music streaming service. (Remember that?) Gmail was my email, Amazon was my store of…