Tag: Privacy

  • What’s the A.I. eating for dinner? Your Threads of course.

    What’s the A.I. eating for dinner? Your Threads of course.

    The A.I. is hungry and your juicy data is on the menu. A new social media platform called “Threads” made its grand debut to the world yesterday with the stated goal to be the “public conversations app with 1+ billion people on it“. This launch comes in the wake of competing platform Twitter recently deploying…

  • A Little Too Close, A Little Too Connected

    A Little Too Close, A Little Too Connected

    I’ve been a citizen of the Internet as long as I can remember. An early adopter of Facebook and Twitter, an avid user of streaming services like Netflix and Spotify – even old school services such as Grooveshark, the OG online music streaming service. (Remember that?) Gmail was my email, Amazon was my store of…